Nasturtium pizza – 30 August 2014

main140830I decided to make up a new pizza, to use up at least something in the fridge. But what would it be? I decided to play off the nasturtium pasta recipe I make from The Pasta Bible, since I had Fontina Valle d’Aosta and some gorgonzola dolce. Had to check to see if there were any nasturtiums, but of course, it doesn’t take a lot! Nasturtiums volunteer generously in our yard in the spring, but they are almost gone now, and what leaves there are are small. So, have to use more of them 🙂

lagniappe140830For pre-prep, I picked and washed multiple small nasturtium leaves, and 7 flowers.

lagniappe140830-redpeppersI cut a chord of red onion (original recipe has shallot but we didn’t have any) perhaps 3/4″ deep and 2 1/2″ wide, and sliced it extremely thin, then cut crosswise so the pieces were 1/3 of an inch in maximum length. I minced a medium sized clove of garlic. I took a dried red pepper from the hanging bunch given to me by my friend V, seeded and deveined it, and then minced the skin (wearing a lab glove on my pepper hand). I measured out 2 Tbsp olive oil and cooked the shallots on high briefly, then on medium when the cast-iron pan got hot, for a few minutes. I added the garlic and cooked 30 sec or so, then added the red pepper, stirred, and turned off the heat, and let it sit till needed. I washed and dried a lot of small prep140830-shadowsnasturtium leaves, pinched off their stems (leaving little holes in the middle of most of the leaves) stacked them up, and sliced them into perhaps 1/8″ wide ribbons. If I had been using larger leaves, I should at this point have cut the ribbons in half for easy eating, but these were short enough not to be an issue. I also washed up the 7 nasturtium flowers and pinched off the petals.

D says this looks like a flag - perhaps a Foodie Flag?

D says this looks like a flag – perhaps a Foodie Flag?

I made a new batch of pizza dough and froze 2/3 of it in two containers for future pizzas. The third third I left for a second rise, and then pressed it out, let it sit for 20 or more minutes, and finished stretching it to final shape after it had rested. I cooked it on my stone for about 1.5 minutes at 500. setting140830I used my pastry brush (which is actually a full-time pizza brush) to brush the garlic/onion/pepper oil mixture onto the pizza. I topped this with grated mozzarella – at least 2/3 of the 4 oz of so that I had grated – and then sprinkled on the slightly less than 2 oz grated Fontina Valle d/Aosta. I cut 4 very small tomatoes – Dirty Girl Produce dry-farmed early girls – into vertical slices, perhaps 4 – 6 slices per tomato, and laid them over the pizza, and salted and peppered them. I scattered the rest of the mozzarella over the tomatoes, and dotted on a 3/4″ by 3/4″ by 3″ prism of Galbani gorgonzola dolce. This I cooked another 4 minutes at 500. On D’s suggestion, I took the pizza out before it was done and added the nasturtium leaves, then returned to the oven for another minute to let them cook slightly. This was a great suggestion. After this final cooking, I distributed the nasturtium leaves over the pizza. I thought they didn’t make much difference, but D really liked the added color, and I have to admit that was entirely pleasing to the eye.

pizza140830It was really good. We both thought the tomatoes were a great addition to the pizza, even though they are not in the pasta.

wine140830D chose an Acorn wine, which meant either that he expected the pizza to be great, or I’d better make sure it was 😉 The wine was terrific with the meal, and of course, simply terrific in the first place. It was a 2008 Axiom Syrah, from Alegria Vineyards in the Russian River Valley.

We had a handful of large red seedless grapes for dessert, but I forgot to shoot them. They were lovely.





lunch140830I bought a half-baked half-pizza at The Cheese Board, since D was out for lunch. I overcooked it (again) but there is more for tomorrow. I had the leftover Madiran with this, which was in the fridge to keep it fresh. Still pretty good.



Here is the recipe:





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1 Response to Nasturtium pizza – 30 August 2014

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